Remoe DNS zone for my domain

I’ve completed the domain ownership verification process and I request that the Netlify support team remove the DNS zone for my domain ( from the old account. Otherwise I cannot use it another deployment under another team.

Hey there, this is happening because the custom domain you’re trying to use already exists on Netlify under a different account.

Please verify domain ownership and let us know by responding here when that’s done.

When I search for a record I see the following:

~ % host -t txt
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

If the verification is successful we can remove the domain from the other account so you can use it on yours.

I have updated the DNS records to prove ownership

Hi, edurnela. Thank you for making the verification TXT record. Now that the verification is complete, please feel free to delete it at any time.

The domain as been removed from the other account and it should be possible for you to add it now. However, if you still cannot or if there are any questions, please reply here to let us know.