Redirects URLs containing hashbangs


My old website is containing hashbangs. My new website doesn’t have hashbangs.
So is there any way to use a pattern that would match the hashbangs ?

My Old Url structure is like this :

My new Url strucure is like this :

So far i have tried all this combinations in my netlify toml file.

from = "/#!/*"
to = "/:splat"
status = 301
force = true

from = "/:slug/*"
to = "/:splat"
status = 301
force = true

None of which is working. Is there any what to circumvent this issues ?

And help would be highly appriciated.

Hi Titus,

No way to circumvent the issue. the “#” in URL’s means “the browser handles this” - so our server never even sees the rest of that path - we get:

for a URL like

You’d potentially be able to do a client side redirect - I think the browser is aware that the URL contains it and so you could parse it from there and send a 301 from the client side JS.

Thanks a lot Chris @fool