Hi! Feel free to point me to the proper page after reading my question . I just cant find the answer anywhere else.
In my netlify.toml, I’m redirecting from https://marios-pizza.helplocal.us/ to https://www.helplocal.us/marios-pizza with status 200 (200 so that the URL doesn’t change). It’s almost working correctly, but when I navigate to https://marios-pizza.helplocal.us/ it is redirecting me to https://marios-pizza.helplocal.us/marios-pizza. The slug has been added to end of the URL.
Hey @ken, thanks for your patience on this! I believe your repo configuration is already set up to work for this (you have marios-pizza content in its own directory). Do you want to try something like this:
from = "https://marios-pizza.helplocal.us/"
to = "/marios-pizza"
status = 200
force = true
or with asterisk and splat:
from = "https://marios-pizza.helplocal.us/*"
to = "/marios-pizza/:splat"
status = 200
force = true