I have a CMS where I store images. I want this images to be proxied and cached by Netlify and be able to purge the cache based on cache tags.
I have set the following:
- a _redirects file which contains a rewrite:
/files/* https://my_cms/files/:splat 200
- an edge function that is acting like a middleware and adds the cache tags to the response:
export default async (req: Request, context: Context) => {
const response = await context.next();
// getCacheTagsForPath() is a custom function to build an array of cache tags.
const cacheTags = getCacheTagsForPath(req.url);
const headers = Object.fromEntries(response.headers.entries())
return new Response(await response.blob(), {
headers: {
'Cache-Tag': cacheTags.join(','),
// Tell Netlify to cache the content up to 1 year.
"Netlify-Cdn-Cache-Control": "public, s-maxage=31536000, must-revalidate",
// Tell the browser to always revalidate.
"Cache-Control": "public, max-age=0, must-revalidate"
export const config: Config = {
path: "/files/*"
When I load an image using the Netlify domain, I can properly see the cache tag in the response (in the browser). The problem I have is with purging the cache by using the cache tag. I tried the http API and the js API from Caching | Netlify Docs and none worked, I still get the cached image. As soon as I purge the cache without specifying a tag (so for the entire site id), the change is immediately visible.
Is there something I do wrong? I have a feeling that somehow the cache tags set in the edge function response are actually not attached to the resource.