The response from netlify edge function is not original when using cache : 'manual'

hi i am making a netlify edge function as an endpoint and i do not get full data when request. Below is my code.

export default async (request: Request) => {
  const url = new URL(request.url);
  const outputUrl = url.searchParams.get("with");

  if (!outputUrl) {
    return new Response("Missing 'with' query parameter", { status: 400 });

  try {
    const fetchData = await fetch(outputUrl);

    if (!fetchData.ok) {
      return new Response(`Failed to fetch resource: ${fetchData.statusText}`, {
        status: fetchData.status,

    const body = await fetchData.arrayBuffer();

    const headers = new Headers(fetchData.headers);
    headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    headers.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=31536000");
      "public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=31536000"

    return new Response(body, {
      status: fetchData.status,
  } catch (error) {
    return new Response(`Error fetching data: ${error.message}`, {
      status: 500,

export const config = { cache: "manual", path: "/api" };

all my response very small (incompelete) like (original size is 160k and it return 820b) with netlify edge cache hit.

Where can we reproduce this?

hi, can you check please? sorry for mess commit.
it can return full response only without using cache : ‘manual’ or not including cache header but i need cache cdn.

I’m trying this URL: and I get a complete response even with cache-hit. Is there a URL were I can reproduce the issue?


can you try this? it is audio m4s file. Without cache header or cache manual is fine when request this. The original size is 160k, but i got incomplete like 806b size when using cache.
, sorry for delay