Hello, excuse my ignorance, I am new to this. First of all thank you for reading, I have been trying to migrate a Jekyll template from GitHub to Netlify (this one: GitHub - andrewbanchich/forty-jekyll-theme: A Jekyll version of the "Forty" theme by HTML5 UP.), I have forked the repository and created a branch called gh-pages
as it said in the README.mid
file of the Jekyll theme and when I tried to migrate the site to Netlify I get the following error message:
It says that I must check this link to fix it: Migrating your Jekyll site to Netlify
I created a file with the name “Gemfile” in the GitHub repo and added the following content, as indicated:
source "https://rubygems.org"
gem 'github-pages'
But the part where it says that I should put the version string in a file called /.ruby-version
is not very clear to me.
It says that after doing this, the site can be connected to Netfily without problems, but that part has not been very clear to me, if it is not a problem, could someone explain this to me step by step please? Thank you so much!