Problem Building: `Input file contains unsupported image format`

Hi, I’m having trouble when building.
failed during stage ‘building site’: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
and Input file contains unsupported image format

Not sure how to resolve?




12:13:39 PM: success Generating image thumbnails - 21.512s - 60/60 2.79/s
12:13:56 PM: warning chunk styles [mini-css-extract-plugin]
12:13:56 PM: Conflicting order between:
12:13:56 PM: * css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref–12-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/lib??postcss-3!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref–12-oneOf-1-3!./src/components/case-category/case-item/case-item.scss
12:13:56 PM: * css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref–12-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/lib??postcss-3!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref–12-oneOf-1-3!./src/components/page-heading/page-heading.scss
12:13:56 PM: success Building production JavaScript and CSS bundles - 34.120s
12:13:56 PM: success Rewriting compilation hashes - 0.001s
12:13:57 PM: error
12:13:57 PM: The GraphQL query from /opt/build/repo/src/components/blog/blog.js failed.
12:13:57 PM: Errors:
12:13:57 PM: Input file contains unsupported image format
12:13:57 PM: GraphQL request:17:11
12:13:57 PM: 16 | aspectRatio
12:13:57 PM: 17 | tracedSVG
12:13:57 PM: | ^
12:13:57 PM: 18 | }
12:13:57 PM: URL path:
12:13:57 PM: /blog/2
12:13:57 PM: Context:
12:13:57 PM: {
12:13:57 PM: “limit”: 6,
12:13:57 PM: “skip”: 6,
12:13:57 PM: “pagesCount”: 2,
12:13:57 PM: “currPage”: 2
12:13:57 PM: }
12:13:57 PM: Plugin:
12:13:57 PM: none
12:13:57 PM: Query:
12:13:57 PM: query BlogPageQuery($skip: Int = 0, $limit: Int = 1) {
12:13:57 PM: allContentfulPost(skip: $skip, limit: $limit, sort: {fields: createdAt, order: DESC}) {
12:13:57 PM: nodes {
12:13:57 PM: title
12:13:57 PM: slug
12:13:57 PM: createdAt(formatString: “DD.MM.YYYY”)
12:13:57 PM: thumbnail {
12:13:57 PM: title
12:13:57 PM: fluid(maxWidth: 600, quality: 50) {
12:13:57 PM: base64
12:13:57 PM: sizes
12:13:57 PM: src
12:13:57 PM: srcSet
12:13:57 PM: srcSetWebp
12:13:57 PM: srcWebp
12:13:57 PM: aspectRatio
12:13:57 PM: tracedSVG
12:13:57 PM: }
12:13:57 PM: }
12:13:57 PM: excerpt
12:13:57 PM: }
12:13:57 PM: }
12:13:57 PM: }
12:13:57 PM: not finished run queries - 39.053s
12:13:57 PM: Skipping functions preparation step: no functions directory set
12:13:57 PM: Caching artifacts
12:13:57 PM: Started saving node modules
12:13:57 PM: Finished saving node modules
12:13:57 PM: Started saving pip cache
12:13:57 PM: Finished saving pip cache
12:13:57 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
12:13:57 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
12:13:57 PM: Started saving maven dependencies
12:13:57 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies
12:13:57 PM: Started saving boot dependencies
12:13:57 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies
12:13:57 PM: Started saving go dependencies
12:13:57 PM: Finished saving go dependencies
12:14:00 PM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
12:14:00 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
12:14:00 PM: failed during stage ‘building site’: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
12:14:00 PM: Finished processing build request in 1m52.592185246s

Hey benny,
does the site build locally? that’s always the first thing to check, as that rules out a problem with Netlify itself. We’ll always ask you to check that first. If it is a

I’m going to guess that it won’t run - seems like you have a mal-formed graphql query there. I am not an expert on graphql, but I would simplify that query until it works, and then gradually make it more complex until you get the thing you need.

We generally can’t help debug non-netlify related issues with code/coding/projects as we simply don’t have the bandwidth, but if you get it running locally and have problems when deploying, please comment again and we’ll troubleshoot some more!

I had the same issue, and gatsby was building locally with no errors or warnings.
I did run a “npm audit fix” and that did it.

Some black magic in the node_modules folder.

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