I wish to know what determines the create of image addresses such as
<img alt="Logo du site" src="https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/9f29094348836ba0e7a4ca9e50115b889216ca60/cc85f/images/history/symboles_site/brand_sample.webp" width="300" height="139">
you can see it on website :
While on the other hand, on the nearly identical https://samplesamplesample.netlify.app/, the same image gets the URL that I created on my local build, which is
<img alt="Logo du site" src="/Images/history/symboles_site/brand_sample.webp" width="300" height="139">
Problem is this transformation only happens on IMG. But I used the link element to preload some images, and now I have
<link rel="preload" as="image" href="/Images/history/symboles_site/brand_sample.webp" type="image/webp">
which is indeed seen by the browser as targetting an existing image, so it preloads it, but it’s not used, presumably because the URL isn’t the same as the cloudfront one.
I understand (after testing) that it’s an automatic change made beyond a certain size threshold for the site, but it SUCKS, and I want my preloading to works
Thanks for your help.