It looks like I must raise a ticket here to get my credit card details removed from my account.
Please could you do this for me?
Thanks in advance.
It looks like I must raise a ticket here to get my credit card details removed from my account.
Please could you do this for me?
Thanks in advance.
Also, for what it’s worth, have you considered adding an option to disable functionality rather than to simple charge the user for going over their usage allowance?
Due to Netlify’s ability to scale it’s a bit scary to allow you to hold my credit card details as someone spamming one of my sites could cost me a lot of money. (Which is what started to happen to me a while back but I was lucky enough to spot the problem before the bill became too big.)
I would rather have had my sites taken down and get a message to pay more money to re-enable them.
Hi, @daniel-ac-martin. We have sent you an email to the email address associated with your Netlify account, and we’ll communicate with you through that email to continue resolving this issue.
(Please note that for security reasons, we will not contact you at email addresses not listed in your Netlify account.)
Also, please let us know with a reply here if you don’t receive a message from us.