Please! I need support! I want to verify my custom domain which is managed by Netlify DNS on another team

My netlify site name:
The custome domain:
The error message: or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team. is used on my other Netlify account, but that account has recently been disabled, and I can’t log in. Now I have created a new account to deploy my project and reconfigure the custom domain. Please help me remove the previous DNS configuration for

I will configure a DNS record by TXT according to the support guide: [Support Guide] "another site is using this domain" Verifying domain ownership for Netlify production domain.

Please proceed with the verification directly, as my website needs to resume external services as soon as possible. Thank you.

@Melvin Please ! We need help !
We have add DNS txt which key is : verified-for-netlify and value is : Please! I need support! I want to verify my custom domain which is managed by Netlify DNS on another team

Anyone can help? This problem cause much inconvenience for me.


Mentioning multiple, seemingly random, people won’t help resolve the issue any quicker. Nathan doesn’t work for Netlify so can’t do anything. Ramon is a Product Manager and unlikely to provide any assistance to you. Melvin can, and likely will, provide the assistance you require in due course.

I note you mentioned your account was previously disabled. If this was done due to breaching Netlify’s Terms of Use there is a high likelihood you will need to find a new service to host your sites with.

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@expired Is entirely correctly.

I don’t work for Netlify, so tagging me actually annoys me.

Best I can do is check if you’ve followed Netlify’s instructions correctly, and let you know if you haven’t.

As far as I can tell, it all looks good:


So now you just have to wait, and be patient.

Netlify’s staff will now do whatever they choose to do, when they choose to do it.
Response times vary, it tends to be 24 - 48 business hours for this kind of thing, but it’s the weekend.

Note that @expired Is also correct regarding your previous account being disabled.
Depending on why it was disabled, Netlify may not allow you to host with them.

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Thanks for your answer and help. Sorry for bothering you and wish you a good weekend!I will wait for netlify’s answer

We just find we can not log in with the former account,but we don‘t know why this happens. Thanks for your answer.

As far as I can see you seem to have 2 accounts both named: Sermant. The team where the domain exists is: sermant | Netlify and the other one where you want to add the domain is: Members | lilai314xy | Netlify. The old site was just recently updated, so this looks like a misconfiguration on your end.

The former account exists with the email: 7*0*0*1* I’d advise trying to log into that and closing the new account.

Thanks for your advice. I have get my former account back. And I reconfig the netlify dns at my domain supporter now. How long will it take to make my site avaliable? I cant open it now

I get doesn’t appear to be served by Netlify

My site is available now. Thanks for everyone’s help!

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