Only allow certain users to create post

Is there a way to only allow users to create a content type and not others. For example: I only want certain identities/users to be able to create post but not other content types. Is this possible?

What your looking for should be quite easy with RBAC (Role based Access Control). It’s as easy as setting a rule for a specific path in the CMS.

from = "/admin/#/collections/posts/new"
force = true
status = 200
conditions = {Role = ["admin"]}

from = "/admin/#/collections/posts/new"
to = "/no-access"
force = true
status = 302

This basically says that anyone with the role of admin via Netlify Identity has access to the page that will create a new post.

If you want to learn more about RBAC, a quick search in the forums will give you loads of really great discussions.


Thanks Kyle, this looks like exactly what I needed. Will give this a try. Thanks again for the quick reply.

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