How to give permission other users for admin netlifycms

I would like to give other users access to log in to netlifycms in admin mode.
How do I do this?

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Hi @royonk85,
If you are using Git Gateway with Netlify Identity you can add the code below to your config.yml file in the admin folder

config.yml file

  name: git-gateway
  accept_roles: #optional - accepts all users if left out
    - admin

The above code means that only users with a role called admin can only login to the CMS.

Once you are done you can assign roles to users in your Netlify dashboard, and then limit which roles can access the CMS by defining the accept_roles field in the config.yml example above.

You can ready about how to add users in your Netlify dashboard UI at

Hope this helps


Thank you for your answer


You are welcome @royonk85.
Iā€™m glad I was able to help.