I have a project i’m working on with a friend that’s hosted on netlify. This is the first web project we’ve ever worked on so if i seem to be asking pretty dumb questions, please bear through it. I think i’m really out of my depth here.
Now onto my issue.To start, I believe we are using the nextJS framework since the build runtime says “nextjs”. I am trying to implement on-demand revalidation. I saw that netlify updated their nextJS adapter thus allowing this functionality. However, i cannot seem to find the documentation regarding how to actually implement it. Before this, i was able to just follow the nextJS docs to implement things like getStaticProps but since the project layout specified by the nextJS documentation for how to implement on-demand revalidation differs from my current project’s layout, i’m at a lost as to what to do.
- The Next.js documentation assumes API routes are located in either
- Our project structure places APIs in
- Some solutions mention using cache tags, but their relationship to our setup isn’t immediately clear and i’m struggling ot understand how it all fits together
The following image is just a picture of the layout of my project. I believe the use of the “pages” directory suggests that my frontent makes use of the nextJS page router but evidently we do not have a /api directory in it.
If anyone could point me in the right direction, i’d be really greatful. Been stuck on this for the last 2 days now and it’s becoming very apparent to me that i don’t actually understand how the structure of the netlify project relates to what is and isn’t allowed (ie, does my serverless functions have access to the nextJS framework?).