After I run command netlify deploy everything succeded in logs. But when I enter “live URL” I receive “Page Not Found”. I’ve checked that the files are not uploaded to the build preview. There is only netlify.toml file. netlify dev works correctly. I’ve checked the project set up with netlify status and everything looks ok.
I was using netlify cli before with no problems, but two things happen when it stops working and I am not sure which could cause it.
First, I am using a new netlify project but with the same repository. But I’ve checked that I have the correct project selected in netlify status. And I didn’t change netlify.toml since it works with first project. It contains simple build config:
This is exactly what I did. I download deploy files, and there is only netlify.toml. The netlify status returns correct site details.
This is live url that doesn’t work: https://5e4bd3f354fc582fe8308979--modemaison-dev.netlify.com/
I have no idea what I could miss. Thanks for checking it.
Hi, @patrycja, and welcome to our Netlify community site.
The deploy linked to appears to be a manual deploy. What was the command used to deploy at that time?
I’m also seeing more recent deploys using a Git repo and our build system and those deploys are successful. Did you resolve the issue by using Git repo backed builds?
I used netlify deploy command. I would prefer to use netlify deploy instead git repo webhooks. Netlify CLI is better for me to test netlify functions. But while it doesn’t work, I use git builds, which works.
Adding -d=public to the command fixed the problem. But I don’t know if it’s ok, that my .netlify/build folder is empty. I’ve checked that before deploy path was taken from this folder.
And another question, shouldn’t netlify.toml assign build directory? I have “public” directory used. I sent the content of my netlify.toml in the main post.