Next.js Runtime v5 stable: Roll-out starts April 2nd

- Who is this for?

If you have a site with Next.js version 13.5 or higher (with the build configured to use Node 18+) then the new 5.0.0 version of Netlify’s Next Runtime would be applied to your site on any new builds - starting April 2nd for Starter plan accounts (note: roll-out across accounts is gradual over a few days).

Roll-out to Starter accounts will be followed by Pro & Business accounts in the second week of April, and then to Enterprise accounts starting in mid-April.

Sites using previous versions of Next.js or Node.js are not impacted and will keep using the v4 Runtime.

Note: for full local development support, please update your Netlify CLI to the latest version.
This is typically done by running: npm install -g netlify-cli@latest

- What’s in the v5 Runtime

Quite a bit, including full support for all Next 13.5+ functionality, on-demand revalidation, automatic Image CDN support, and more - see the docs.

- Can I check it out already?

Yes, sites meeting the prerequisites can be opted-in via their Site Overview page.

- Can I keep using the v4 runtime?

While we encourage everyone to have all site builds use the latest version, we recognize that some users may want to keep using the v4 runtime. To do that, you’d need to explicitly pin the v4 version in your site’s configuration code.

- What if I’m having issues?

Please create a new support topic. If you have a paid plan, you can of course also use email support.

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