Hi, I’m deploying a Next.js site and have a form that is not being detected. I think the issue may be related to the build process because I’ve tested several different versions of the HTML including one directly copied from the docs and one from another (Gatsby) site that works.
I removed ISR from my contact page, so now it’s a static page and it detected both forms (one from the docs and my form). Not receiving submissions yet, but it’s clear ISR doesn’t work with it.
I deleted them and am planning on using another service for the contact form. I’m guessing there’s something weird with my build process or Next/Netlify that is breaking it.
Thanks, I appreciate the help. I’ve really enjoyed Netlify forms in the past, not sure why it’s not working now (even copying a working form from another site didn’t work). For now, I’ll go with another service to get it up and running quickly.
Hi, I’m giving this a shot again since going with another provider would require some additional work for my client.
It looks like the ‘Contact’ form was processed correctly but is still not receiving submissions. The fields are first_name, last_name, email, phone_number, subject, and message. The netlify data attribute has been removed. I’m using a button of type submit. Full source below:
This is one tough case. I tried the HTMl form generated on your website and published it on another website and it works absolutely fine. I’m running out of explanations for the failure.
Meanwhile, would you be willing to submit forms via serverless functions? I could brew up an example if that’d work for you.
We were checking this, but it appears you’re not using Netlify Forms anymore. Is that the case?
If you would like for us to be able to get to the bottom of this, it would be great if you could keep another version of your website active where the forms are causing a problem.