Netlify needs your help! Do you use Functions? Tell us about it!

Hey everyone!

The Netlify design team needs your help! They are conducting a study on Functions and need more responses to get a great set of data to fuel future functions improvements.

They are looking to speak with customers who are responsible for building, deploying, and debugging functions, and who are responsible for monitoring the overall health of their site.

Ideally, you have 5 or more functions active across your site(s), and use Netlify in a professional setting.

Not sure if you qualify? Give it a whirl anyway! :netliheart:

[Removed this link because the study has closed]

All respondees who end up participating in an interview get a gift card from us, and, of course, an opportunity to make Netlify & Functions even better.

Questions? Comment below! We look forward to seeing as many of you participate as possible!


Nice! Would love to talk through the Functions workflow. Definitely using them extensively across a number of production sites for all sorts of … functions :rofl:


Nice - yea I use functions quite a bit now. I ignored them for the longest time until I figured out I can replace most mvp API’s that I work on a build with a simple function deploy :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi Edward!! That’s super interesting, please sign up if you have time! Netlify Functions Logging and Monitoring | User Interviews

There will also be another study on Functions launching next week, in case the timing doesn’t work out for this one.


@evh I signed up! :slight_smile:


thanks for helping us, @EdwardGoomba! if you have other folks you know who might want to participate, please share the link around widely!


Of course - happy to help!
I’ll share this in the sanity slack channel, and a few other dev channels I am in as well :+1:


Using functions across 2 production apps, so I just signed up :slight_smile:


Thanks so much!! Looking forward to it!

Hello all! Thanks to your speedy work, we’ve recruited enough participants for this study in just a couple of days!

While this one is closed, we’re launching a new study (also on Functions) next week!

We’re looking for people who use Netlify in a professional setting, who either:

  • Run a few functions across their site(s)
  • Have stopped using functions

Please take this short screener if you’d like to participate!

Finally, one more shameless plug, you can sign up for invitations to future studies by joining our research program!

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