Get More From Your Function Logs!

Greetings! :wave: Starting this week, we’re going to be rolling out some new features on the Function Logs page in the Netlify app. Here’s what you can expect. Please note that we’ll be utilizing a gradual deployment strategy for this release between today and the 18th of February, so you may not see these new features in your account immediately.

Logs from Previous Versions of Functions :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Before this update, function logs that had been previously generated were longer available in the Netlify UI once a new version of the site or function code was deployed. Now, you’ll be able to view function logs from previous versions to validate improvements and compare performance.

Performance Improvements :speedboat:

Loading non-current logs used to be a real drag. Now, viewing your logs from the previous hour, two hours, 24 hours (or more, in some cases) is easy and painless.

More Granular Time Frame Filtering :date:

You can now select from more options in the timeframe selection dropdown to make narrowing your search down easier. You can also still enter a custom timeframe for even more refinement.

Increased Log Retention for Pro Accounts and above :package:

Need more than 24 hours worth of logs to monitor function behaviors and verify improvements across your development cycles? With this release, if you are on Netlify’s Pro, Business, or Enterprise plans, you’ll now have up to seven days of functions log retention.

What’s Next :next_track_button:

We’ve got more improvements in the works to help improve your function monitoring and troubleshooting workflow. If you have specific use cases that aren’t being addressed, let us know here in this thread! We’d love to hear how we can help.


Nice, team! Any of the feature engineers available / up to speaking just a touch about the architecture design and fun technical bits? :slight_smile:

Looks like y’all added a whole abstraction layer between the UI and the actual AWS logs. An awesome improvement! Netlify continues to add the supporting componentry that can take a project from just a ‘static site’ or ‘PWA’ to be a full-fledged business application. Yeet! :muscle:

Just out of curiosity, is there any notable or discernible tag (perhaps commit hash?) that would indicate where the ‘old’ / prior function code was executing vs. where the ‘new’ / updated function code began taking requests?



Hi @jonsully!
Thanks for the kind message!

Any of the feature engineers available / up to speaking just a touch about the architecture design and fun technical bits?

We’re not ready to get into the details quite yet, but we might in the future. Can only say that you’re right that we added a layer between UI and AWS logs.

Just out of curiosity, is there any notable or discernible tag (perhaps commit hash?) that would indicate where the ‘old’ / prior function code was executing vs. where the ‘new’ / updated function code began taking requests?

We’re not exposing any of these details at the moment, but it’s in our roadmap of future improvements! :smiley:


Haha sweet :laughing: Thanks @kito! :netliheart: