For the past couple of days, my builds have been timing out (“Build exceeded maximum allowed runtime”) in the “Packaging Functions from built-lambda directory” step of the deploy.
Until a couple of days ago, this step took about 3 minutes. Now it is timing out after ~20 minutes. There have been no lambda changes in my code that would cause this delay – it sort of just came out of nowhere. Deploying previous states does not resolve this issue.
The hanging step prints “Packaging Functions from built-lambda directory”, then lists all of the JS bundles for my lambdas (e.g. “subscribe.js”). Then it just stops and hangs for 20 minutes until it times out. It formerly completed this step in ~3 minutes.
Furthermore, running yarn build
executes locally with no issues. This step also completes in the deploy job on Netlify.
My site is Here is an example deploy: Netlify App
Can you help me understand what’s going on here and how to prevent the hanging / timeout?