For the use case you originally stated I think google analytics or a 3rd party service to count visitors.
When it comes to a login feature, Netlify Identity is in it’s early stages, and only allows for things like Role-based access control with JWT | Netlify Docs
If this is something your interested in, then I’ll link to a few discussions where you will be able to learn more about Role based redirects and how they work.
To clarify this before I explain anything, I am using the Netlify free plan for this site, The site is Eleventy built and has the netlify identity widget in head.njk giving it to every page.
After reading this post, I have tried to impliment access control with netlify identity into my site. I have made redirect rules to redirect to a 404 if the user hasn’t been authenticated with the Netlify Identity widget.
_Redirects file in site root
/rates/* 200! Role=admin
Netlify Identity widget fo…