Hi @Benmuiruri, welcome and thanks for posting.
It will be difficult to debug by just looking at an image of the draft URL.
If possible can you share the repository of your project and the deployed URL?
This issue with this is the src attribute, more specifically, the /stream-it-capstone/ path. The project is deployed at the site root (/) and not on the /stream-it-capstone/ path.
The fix for this is to remove the homepage key and value from the package.json as React uses this to build for relative paths.
HI @coelmay , thanks for the suggestion. I have removed the homepage key and value, ran npm run build. However it is still the same output when I run netlify deploy.
The publicPath set the value (in this case /stream-it-capstone/) as the location where the site is hosted. This works when you want to host multiple React (or other framework sites) on various sub-paths of the same domain. It tells the script that all the assets required are at (or below) that sub-path, and not the domain root.
In your case though, you are hosting the site at the domain root (/) thus this value is not needed.