Netlify-cms setup without netlify

Hi yall. Can someone recommend a good resource for netlify-cms setup without netlify. I’m deploying on my own physical server behind apache2 with Gatsby. All of the netlify provided tutorials use netlify hosting and authentication. The Gatsby provided tutorials do the same. I specifically would like to know how to setup authentication for admin page. Also either how to setup the content server locally or how to reference a remote content server but keep the rest of the site locally

This is a pretty good post about setting up your own authentication: Using a Custom OAuth Provider with NetlifyCMS. It’s obviously opinionated but I hope it helps.

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wow, that was exactly what I was needing!


I signed up for this forum just to say thank you four years later. They still haven’t updated the documentation!

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@RayHollister You may already be aware, but Netlify CMS after stagnating for some time got offloaded to another group and rebranded as DecapCMS in early 2023.

I think most references to it have been removed from the documentation.

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Yeah, I started tinkering with Decap CMS just recently. And thanks to you and Tyler Gaw, I now have it up and running!

@RayHollister That’s great to hear.

There are some other alternatives out there too, some of which I’ve encountered are:

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@nathanmartin Nice. I’ll check them out.