Need help with site transfer

Site Name:

Hello! It’s been 3 days since I started transferring my website from Squarespace to Netlify. I thought I did everything correctly but when I look into the DNS settings on Netlify it still says “awaiting external DNS”.

Are there any files I’m missing? I was instructed to transfer over any MX, TXT, and SPF files as well as any files pertaining to email. I also copied the Netlify Nameservers one by one and replaced them in Godaddy.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Do you have or did you delete any NETLIFY records from the domain management page in the Netlify dashboard?

I did have some Netlify records that appeared in my DNS settings which I deleted. They appeared after my first attempt to transfer the DNS settings.

That explains your issue. These records are required to make the domain work.

  1. Remove the domain from the site.
  2. Reassign it.
  3. Don’t delete the records.

How can I safely remove and reassign? I’m guessing I have to go to domain management > options > remove domain?

Once I remove and reassign, will I have to wait an additional 72 hours for everything to transfer over?


You remove the custom domain from your site only not from Netlify DNS completely.

Not if you do what I have said.

Hi there, I see were are now helping you in the Help Desk. I’ll go ahead and close out this forum thread. Thanks!