I have a domain name that was from google domains but has since transferred to Squarespace. Squarespace requested I update the MX and TXT records to ones they provided (ex: 10 mxa.mailgun.org., 10 mxb.mailgun.org., etc). I added them to my Netlify records but emails are still not going through. Email bounces with the response “Your message couldn’t be delivered after multiple attempts. Giving up.”
It’s been days but Squarespace says Netlify hasn’t flushed/refreshed their records which is why the MX records don’t show up on our end.
Records were added more 72 hours ago so it’s now well beyond normal propagation needs
dig otolabs.ca MX +trace | tail -n 6
;; Received 515 bytes from 2620:10a:8053::2#53(c.ca-servers.ca) in 39 ms
otolabs.ca. 14400 IN MX 10 mxa.mailgun.org.
otolabs.ca. 14400 IN MX 10 mxb.mailgun.org.
;; Received 90 bytes from 2001:4860:4802:32::6a#53(ns-cloud-a1.googledomains.com) in 46 ms
Are you still having issues?
Although, if it isn’t working, it could be that you’re not using Netlify name servers:
dig otolabs.ca NS +trace | tail -n 6
otolabs.ca. 21600 IN NS ns-cloud-a4.googledomains.com.
otolabs.ca. 21600 IN NS ns-cloud-a3.googledomains.com.
otolabs.ca. 21600 IN NS ns-cloud-a1.googledomains.com.
otolabs.ca. 21600 IN NS ns-cloud-a2.googledomains.com.
;; Received 160 bytes from 2001:4860:4802:34::6a#53(ns-cloud-a2.googledomains.com) in 120 ms
You’ll want to use the Netlify name servers mentioned here:
Otherwise the DNS Zone is inactive.
You can read more on how to detect and fix an inactive DNS Zone here:
Hi Melvin,
Thank you for your response.
I temporarily switched the nameserver to Squarespace so that I can receive emails. I’m going to switch back to using Netlify nameservers now and hopefully be able to receive emails