Login, and GitHub Issue

Authentication Error Authenticating failed due to the following error: We already have a registered user with this email address. Log in to connect your GitHub account.

I’m trying to deploy an app on Lovable.Dev. Please help!

Here is the email I’m using for my GitHub: helpiscribe@gmail.com

It says what you need to do. Just sign in with your email.

Thanks for your response I have done that but it not letting me.

What error do you get?

Thanks for your promptness! I truly appreciate it. By the way, I’m new to this, lol.

Here is the error i keep receiving:
“Authentication Error Authenticating failed due to the following error: We already have a registered user with this email address. Log in to connect your GitHub account.”

Maybe, Netlify needs to reset my email for me, I don’t know.

I told you what you need to do: login with your email + password.

Hello, thanks for your patience and understanding. After login with my email + password, here is what it gives me on Netlify:

“Log in to Netlify
No user found for this email/password. Don’t have an account yet? Sign up”

So, this looks confusing. I also tried to Login with GitHub same error I first posted popup.

Either the email you entered is incorrect, or the password. If you’re sure the email is correct, try resetting the password.