jspdf-autoTable Library only does not work in deployment

I have a problem importing the jspdf-autoTable library, when working from localhost it works correctly but when uploading the page it tells me react_devtools_backend_compact.js:2367 The data should be an object or array, is: undefined.

My site name is: https://cerimonial-pr.netlify.app/

Hi @kamiladicordeiro, thanks for the post and welcome.

Can you try to import the jspdf-autotable package using the below?

import jsPDF from 'jspdf'
import 'jspdf-autotable'

const doc = new jsPDF()

// Sample code to convert table to pdf.
doc.autoTable({ html: '#my-table' })

Once you make the changes redeploy again to see if it works.