Issues with DNS zone on Netlify

I’m having difficulty configuring and adding a custom domain to Netlify. I’m getting the error “A DNS zone for this domain already exists on NS1”.

I have already deleted the nameservers and DNS Zone on where I purchased the domain. (custom domain:
I also tried contacting NS1 and, and both confirmed that my custom domain is without any nameservers or DNS zones. However, I’m still experiencing difficulties adding the domain to Netlify.

The Netlify site name:
Custom domain:

Please help me with this issue,
Thank you!

Hi @oy3,

This seems like a weird situation. If you’ve indeed contacted NS1 and they say there’s no DNS Zone, but Netlify is still saying it exists, that’s because NS1 sends an API response that a DNS Zone exists there. This would have to be taken care by the NS1 team rather than Netlify.

In any case, you can use Netlify with external DNS: