Is there is an ongoing outage?

I cannot reach my site, which is using a custom URL, from my normal IP in the United States (San Francisco).

With a VPN pointed to the UK, I am able to access the site.

The same thing applies to '" itself - I am unable to reach or log in to my account from my regular IP - a VPN is required. For that reason, and for privacy, I have not provided my site url - it appears to be a general issue rather than one which only affects myself.

But it is surprisingly quiet, and is not reporting any issues.

I can load the Netlify homepage very quickly and easily

I do not agree as noted above.

It depends on the IP you are accessing the site from. I can also load the quickly from a VPN.

Could be something with DNS resolution?

Certainly. Is the DNS for the your network, that of your service provider, or upstream network, is failing that could impact your ability to connect.

I’ve responded to your ticket in our helpdesk, feel free to follow up there!