Internal Server Error on Image on my website

I’m having some issues with an image on my site that I’ve re-uploaded / re linked a couple of times. I’m still having errors. Not sure what’s going on?

Internal Server Error - Request ID: 01GTT8NB1E7WF0YSJS8CRHQDFC

Otherwise the first grid image on:

@connorforsythco How are you putting the images there?

It’s a url and subsequently unrelated to Netlify.

Hey Nathan,

The entire website + assets are deployed through Netlify linked with a github repo. It all just gets deployed via Netlify’s CDN, which I believe is cloudfront.

I was duplicating the asset and fixing the linking in the code, still wasn’t solving. I just replaced it with another image which seems to be working. Very odd.

@connorforsythco Fancy that!

I’ve never encountered a Cloudfront URL myself on Netlify, but you’re right and it looks like Asset Optimization can cause images to end up there.

As it’s Netlify/AWS processing I’d imagine you’ve experienced some kind of hiccup.