My site is
My domain URL is
I tried rebuilding the site with Netlify, but even though it said it built and deployed, it didn’t change the website.
So I tried CLI. I can build with Netlify CLI today, see the site locally with netlify dev, and deploy it to my domain URL with “netlify deploy --prod”. So CLI seems to have fixed a deploy problem with regular Netlify.
Now regular Netlify seems to have a problem.
The Netlify build and deploy now gives this error:
Error loading the CMS configuration
Config Errors:
Error: Failed to load config.yml (404)
Check your config.yml file.
Changing browsers gets the same result. Going to the URL,, it seems to add a /#/ to the end, resulting in the above message.
If I go to a subdirectory, eg, Current Plans | Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation, I get “Page Not Found”;
The reason I tried the CLI was because my successful Netlify builds somehow did not change the deployed web site. My site was not being published. The last time it was published was August, 2022; none of my builds today seemed to change this, even though the build and deploy seemed to work.
Found error. I cloned my year-old Netlify site to my local machine, to update Hugo.
- I updated Hugo, but the Netlify deploy didn’t work. It said it did, but it didn’t.
When I updated netlify.toml to the version that matched the version running on my local machine, it started working.
My netlify.toml file has the correct new Hugo version: v0.111.3.
Now to tackle DeCap CMS .