Unfortunately the portion of the build log doesn’t give a whole lot of useful information. Based on a quick look at the repository you shared, I suggest you haven’t set the base directory. The hugo files are in the blog directory in the repository rather than at the root of the repository. This means you need to set the base directory to blog. You will also need to move the netlify.toml file into the blog directory as well.
HI @coelmay thanks for looking into it. after setting the base directory and moving the netlify.toml file into the blog directory, deployment was successful. When I try to access the deployed site, I get a “page not found error” . link : https://epic-hoover-9951c7.netlify.app/
What is the publish directory set to in the Build settings? If you are using the default build path public, the publish directory should have the value blog/public(note the blog part will auto populate the field as that is the base directory value.)
The theme isn’t being found because the .gitmodules file is in the root of the repository, not in the base directory.
You need to a) move the .gitmodules file into the blog directory, and b) change the submodule path
Apologies, editing the .gitmodules file directly does not work. You would need to re-add the submodule.
I forked your repository (coelmay/my-blog), moved everything from blog to the repository too, added the theme submodule using the --force flag, changed the netlify.toml as required and deployed successfully. Deploy log is here