How to transfer domain name

“A DNS zone for this domain already exists on NS1” error trying to create DNS zone “”. I own the domain name and have the authentication code. Where/who should i send it to

Hi, @bronzebond, and welcome to the Netlify community site. :smiley:

You cannot transfer the domain to Netlify directly as we are not a registrar. There is more about that here.

Regarding Netlify DNS and the error you are seeing, it is almost the same issue described in this community topic:

Squarespace has create a DNS zone at NS1 for your domain. Netlify also uses NS1 for DNS and we cannot create a DNS zone until the existing zone is deleted.

One solution would be to transfer this domain to and then use their button in the UI to delete the NS1 zone.

Another solution would be to use the external DNS method instead of using Netlify DNS for this custom domain.

If there are other questions about this, please let us know.