How do I implement a new Carousel Function?

Hi there! I’m Luis, Data Scientist but for reasons of destiny right now I’m improving the webpage of my Startup.

In the past, we migrate the stackbit github to our GitHub and now we want to include new features like some Carousels for Images and URLs that are not in the preset Stackbit features.

I’m not to good for managing frontend features so I don’t know where is it the main file to import Frameworks or libraries and which features or components are compatible with netlify and Stackbit. And also, where do I need to add the features inside the page.

So I ask you for HELP

@Tole01 Unfortunately this request is very much outside the Scope of Support for Netlify.

It’s also fairly nebulous and thus hard for someone else to assist with, it’s kind of along the lines of:

teach me how to:

  • work with my own project
  • do front end development
  • integrate multiple systems

You might want to google around to see if you can find relevant information, for example while this is very old (4 years) it may be applicable:

Since your ask is reasonably complex you may find that if you can’t ‘skill up’ yourself that you’ll need to hire someone that is already familiar with doing what you need.

Hi @Tole01 as Nathan mentioned this outside the scope of support as we help with largely netlify specific configs/bugs etc. I’ll leave your thread in case someone comes along and wants to help tackle your project.

I’d also recommend checking out stack overflow for assistance with your request.