Hey there, that link is to theme.toml. You’ll need to add the version that our build uses in the environment table that Luke linked to or in to netlify.toml. Hope this helps!
I am seeing the following error in my build logs regarding the version of hugo. I don’t set the version of hugo. I will try setting it and see if that helps but why doesn’t Netlify just use the latest version as a default so I don’t get these errors?
11:05:38 AM: $ hugo
11:05:40 AM: ERROR 2020/08/13 15:05:40 GHOSTWRITER theme does not support Hugo version 0.54.0. Minimum version required is 0.60
11:05:40 AM: Building sites … Total in 368 ms
11:05:40 AM: Error: Error building site: logged 1 error(s)
Okay, I had to use 0.74.3 instead of just 0.74. Solved now. Thanks! I still with Netlify would just use the latest version of Hugo instead of making me set it. I see Netlify also uses Python 2.7. I thought most things had switched to Python 3 by now.