How can i add https to my site?


my primary domain dosent have https, the domain is bought from and i added netlifys DNS for my site domain at the domain provider.

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Hey there, thanks for letting us know about this! I was able to manually generate a certificate for this site, and https is now functioning! Please let us know if you have any issues.

Hi @stivve,

Thanks for following up. I believe this Support Guide should assist you with configuring those records on your DNS Zone:

Let us know if you have any questions.

Hello Melvin!

I just filled the information by my email provider :slight_smile:
How fast will the changes start?
My site i hosted at Netlify so i guess im ok on that part :slight_smile:

Hi @stivve,

Looks like the MX Records and TXT Record are propagating:

You can check at the links above for when they fully propagate.

Hey there! You’ll want to refer to the kronosapp documentation, as we are not familiar with external email services!