I have netlify function running, when I call it, I get this error:
Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: main--darling-brigadeiros-d24ef5.netlify.app. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:illegal.mdes.go.th
Does it mean I can’t call it from Thailand? It works for a friend based in EU.
Any help is MUCH appreciated, I do not have the knowledge to fix this.
So there is no site, as in any front-end. It’s just 1 netlify function with JS code really.
The function is a scraping script, you provide some url to it in a param, like ?url=https://google.com
so just send a GET to https://darling-brigadeiros-d24ef5.netlify.app/.netlify/functions/upload?url=https://google.com
you will get a timeout because it’s not made for scraping google, but that’s ok. I am not getting a timeout, Im getting an error
I think it has to do something with thai DNS service or IDK, note the “DNS:” field in the message
I prefer not to say, sorry. Yes I know of the limit, this is not the issue. I get the error within 200ms of sending the request. I know you don’t get the error probably, because I think it’s because I am in thailand, in EU it works.
This casts great doubt in my mind over the legality and ethics of what you are doing.
I suggest you read the Netlify Terms of Service and the Acceptable Use Policy. If you are found to breach these Netlify will ban you from the platform.
Yes I don’t know why. I am not doing anything illegal, at least I don’t think so. It’s possible thailand government is blocking netlify functions?? everything else seems to work for me
If you can’t then they are blocking everything. If you can then it would appear something is amiss with your site. In either case there is nothing Netlify can do about it. You’ll need to speak with the relevant government agencies.
You might get around this by using a public DNS (outside Thailand) such as Google Public DNS or
I am running the function locally. I needed it for local development purposes anyways, my users are not going to be from thailand, it’s just so happens I am travelling here.