ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID]: Hostname/IP does not match certificate’s altnames: Host: is not in the cert’s altnames: DNS:*,

Thank you for reporting an unexpected error on page Netlify App. Please leave this text in place and let us know below any more details that you think would be helpful!

The flow of creating with a template is broken with all templates. All you have to do to replicate is go to: Start with a Template | Netlify CMS | Open-Source Content Management System and choose any template.

Fetching (or any other template) throws the following:

{“error”:“Error [ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID]: Hostname/IP does not match certificate’s altnames: Host: is not in the cert’s altnames: DNS:*,”}

The error clearly defines the issue but if you need more information feel free to reach out. I couldn’t find a better place to report this issue with a free account. There is obviously no client side solution for this issue, so I’m simply reporting it. Sorry if this is the wrong place.

edit: fixed title and typo

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hey there, thanks for this!

We are aware of this situation and are tracking things related to this on our status page:

We will update there as the solution develops and post here when we have a resolution as well. thanks for your patience as we resolve this.

hi there!

a quick update - this issue is now resolved, we found the bug and rolled out a fix.

Please let us know right away by commenting on this post if you see this issue again!

Thanks everyone!