Godaddy Subdomain forward to netlify site (mobile site showing up as desktop)

It is not required to transfer the domain to Netlify (or to use our Netlify DNS service) to use it with a Netlify site. You can keep your current DNS provider and point the site to Netlify using external DNS configuration:

Regarding email services, we don’t provide any email services at all. There is more about that here:

If you want to switch to Netlify DNS and not disrupt email service, we cover that in the following topic:

There is still the question of the mobile site showing the wrong content.

Netlify doesn’t do anything differently for a mobile device than it does for a laptop or a desktop computer. If the site is to appear differently to different devices, that must be handled in the site javascript and related files.

One thing that would help us regarding the mobile site, is the x-nf-request-id response header for the HTTP request. There is more information about that here:

As the topic states, if the x-nf-request-id header isn’t available, we would need the following details instead:

  • the complete URL requested
  • the IP address for the system making the request
  • the IP address for the CDN node that responded
  • the day of the request
  • the time of the request
  • the timezone the time is in

Would you please send us either the x-nf-request-id header for the mobile device request or, if that cannot be found, send those details listed above instead?