
Netlify site:

I’m trying to add this domain to my Netlify site but I’m getting the error message: “ or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.”

I’ve added the TXT record with the name “verified-for-netlify” and the value is the URL of this post.

Could you please verify my ownership and remove the domain from the other account so I can add it to my site?

Thank you for your help!

Hi @Piyush_Choudhary,

Thanks for reaching out!

Could you add the forum post number (136696) for the value of the TXT Record?

This is mentioned in step two (the last bullet point) so we can verify:

thanks for the helping me out dear…

hey i have updated the TXT with value(136696) in my domain providers(GoDaddy) and the other things as per you said above but still facing same issue can you please provide me the status that how much time it will take to resolve the issue…