Getting error: You have reached a limit for domain orders. Please contact support for further assistance

Getting error: You have reached a limit for domain orders. Please contact support for further assistance.

When trying to purchase a custom domain for my netlify site - currently named “magenta-dragon-53b9cc”

I’d be grateful if you could please increase my domain purchase limit?

Many thanks

Hi @elizabeth_lands ,

Your account was flagged as suspicious. Could you share the domain you were attempting to purchase? Thank you!

Hi Audrey, thanks for getting back to me. The domain was ‘’ (it is for a cutting list application for carpenters that works out how many cuts you can get from a sheet of wood).

Thanks, Elizabeth!

As this appears to be a false positive, I’ve reset the domain order limit to 10. Please let us know if you’re still experiencing the error.

Great, many thanks Audrey!

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