Really like functions, yet I’m wondering if there is a feature for middleware that we can enable for all functions (or just in a certain directory).
Serverless auth or uniform error handling would be much improved that way.
Alternatives I’m considering on how to add/simulate such a kind of serverless pipeline:
a) ‘import’ all needed “general functions” in each serverless function
b) using something like apollo server (lambda) in a “main serverless function” and make other calls from there, but execution time might be an issue with that approach
Thanks so much for your patience here. My apologies for the delayed response. I have looped in our Support Engineers and hope to have an answer for you soon.
I talked to some support engineers about your use case and unfortunately there isn’t really a stock or pre-fab way of doing what you are describing. That said, there is no reason why you couldn’t create something like this yourself!