I have this problem with all my sites, but one example is ‘core.syncora.be’.
I’m using a monorepo for multiple sites, so I have a custom script to check if there are changes for a particular application or not, to avoid unnecessary builds and deploys, which works fine.
In my netlify.toml I have the following:
ignore = "node ./scripts/ignore_build.js"
When I do regular reploys, everything works fine, I can see my branch functions and my production functions and check the output logs etc.
But when my build is cancelled, and no new deploy is performed, I am unable to access the currently active deploy functions in my dashboard to check for output. I get the following view:
Showing me “No functions found in staging” while it is most definitely deployed because the functions are still available.
At the moment I work around this issue by redeploying, but this is pretty annoying as it breaks my workflow if I want to check some logs and then have to wait for a full build to run, just to see some output, and this extends to multiple sites so I have had to redeploy 3 or more of my sites just to read the debug output.
I think the filtering of the functions is just wrong in the interface?