Form submission doesnt show in 'Recent form submissions' section is my website
I’m working on my portfolio website and its completed except I am having issues with the form submission working. Nothing shows up when I submit anything but it says ‘thank you for your submission’. In the console, when i click ‘submit’ it shows “Contact.js:18 POST 404”. I also tried copying other forms and testing it and nothing still showed. If someone could please assist me i’d greatly appreciate it!

This is also my github - GitHub - xkellss/Portfolio: This is my Portfolio

@xkells Have you confirmed that your form is being detected by Netlify?

My guess from a very quick look is that you don’t have a HTML form in place that Netlify can detect.

The relevant support guide is:

The important part for you is this:

Often people achieve this by adding the HTML version of the form directly into their index.html file with the hidden attribute.

ah, yes thank you so much! I ended up using index.html and played around with it and got it working!

thanks for coming back and sharing that you found a solution to your problem! (: