@andylemaire thank you for the warm welcome. But I cleared the cache of the browser it still doesn’t show. I don’t really know the problem because locally the favicon is showing up.
@andylemaire this is the code <link rel="icon" href="../assets/favicon.ico" type="image/*" /> my favicon is in assets folder. Locally I can see favicon in the browser tab, but online I can’t see it
Hi, @erickyvand, you can download your deployed site to see what was uploaded. There are instructions here.
When I check the deployed files, there is no favicon.ico anywhere, not in the assets directory or elsewhere. There is no favicon because there is no file included for it.
@luke, thank you for the hint, I have downloaded the files and I didn’t find favicon.ico there but on Github repo that file is there, I don’t know why it is not being deployed.
And when I included the file that was deployed still It didn’t work.
Till now I don’t know the problem, I am new here and this is the first time I deploy on Netlify
Hey @erickyvand , I am facing the same issue but couldn’t understand your solution. It would be great if you could give more detailed information about the solution.
The solution offered was to add the favicon to the webpack configuration file. Are you using webpack or another framework. Can you share the link for your site and the repository you are deploying.
I am working on a website using react js, bootstrapped the project using create-react-app (it uses webpack in the backend). I don’t have the access to the webpack config file in this. Only way I can access is to eject. (by running npm eject)
The code is currently in a private github repo, I can share it tomorrow when I make it public.
No, I am not running npm eject, I am just saying thats the only way I get access to the webpack config in create-react-app, I am not running the command hence I have no webpack config to edit. So how do I get the favicon to display now.
For favicon, I tried adding the relative path /images/favicon.ico as a link in the index.html and then build the code and deployed it on netlify but the favicon does not show, even though it works fine on my local machine (development environment).