Extend timeout for Netlify functions request

Hi there, Can the timeout for the Netlify function be increased? 10 seconds is too short.

Site: taid-cymru.netlify.app (https://taid.cymru)


Hi there! we can definitely bump you up to 26 seconds, but you’ll need to be on the Pro tier for us to make that change - that’s a requirement that applies to everyone who wants a bigger timeout. You can upgrade to Pro easily through the Netlify UI dashboard.

If you let us know when you have upgraded, we can change the settings for you!

Ah cool, I’ve just upgraded.

Perfect! I just updated your function timeout to 26s. Can you please redeploy to activate.

Perfect, thanks so much Sam!

@SamO Can you also upgrade the timeout to 26seconds for my website with Site ID

I am already on Pro plan.
Is 26 seconds maximum or can we bump it further? We are making a call to OpenAI which is talking longer to respond in some cases and hence probably 26 seconds might be also less for us. (I would want it to be upto a minute)

hey :wave:

can you please change the functions timeout to 26 seconds for the following site IDs

  • b1520fa2-f6a0-406f-aa3c-25067f7ce26f
  • dac3a29f-6989-4b2f-9fb3-0060ee569625
  • 41e86779-9d21-42d8-9c9c-f492ca92b575

Hi, I increased the function timeout for your site you will need to re-deploy to see this take effect. Also 26 seconds is the maximum we can set for your functions this is restriction placed by AWS lambda additionally anything over 26s decreases the user experience. Hope this helps!

Hi @finum thanks for reaching out! I have increased the timeout for all your sites above. Please re-deploy to see this take effect.

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awesome - thank you :hugs:

Hi there, can you please change the functions timeout to 26 seconds for the following site ID:

Thanks very much!

@Robin_Zimmer I’ve extended the timeout to 26 seconds, you’ll need to redeploy the site to see the changes take effect

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Hi, I am currently a pro member as well. Could you also increase the function timeout for my website as well? Thanks!


Hi, this is done. please redeploy to see this take effect.

Pro member here. Could you please increase the function timeout for the following;


@Ben_Cooper, this is done. Please re-deploy.

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Hi. Could you please increase the timeout for the functions in my Pro tier NaviSavi team to 20 seconds? Or if 20 seconds isn’t possible then 26 would be fine too.

This is done @NaviSavi, please re-deploy.

Hi, I would like for this as well:

Hi, thanks for writing in. I have increased your function timeout to 26s. Please re-deploy to see this take effect.