Error during download of a deployment

I’m trying to download an old deployment, but after clicking the download icon, and error message is displayed beside the icon: “Error during download”.

Site Name: kind-bhaskara-f570bb
Site ID: bd3b826e-cd86-453a-93bd-4e18e5fef89c

in browser’s developer tool console, I can see a 404 error for getting this url:

Please kindly advise, thanks!

Hey @JohnJiang2017,

I’ve shared the deploy you’ve mentioned via Google Drive to the email you’ve used on the forums.

thanks a lot for the prompt help Hrishikesh! I downloaded the shared file. Much appreciated!

Could you please also help me with this site for the same error:
Sitename: nostalgic-jones-f4be20
Site ID : 5ab8fadd-03d9-4478-8074-48c2c9d60c8c

Added to the same folder!

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Thanks a lot Hrishikesh!

I downloaded the previous deployment zip file, unzipped it into a folder, and updated a page, then I did a manual deployment and uploaded the folder, but I still see the old content, even after clearing the browser cache.

Sitename: nostalgic-jones-f4be20
Site ID: 5ab8fadd-03d9-4478-8074-48c2c9d60c8c

Any idea? Thanks!

Not sure what change I’m looking for, but based on your deploy: Deploy details | Deploys | nostalgic-jones-f4be20 | Netlify, 1 asset changed. So I’d assume everything is working as expecte, unless you show us what exactly is not working.