Error during download due to 404 on file with diacritics in filename

Hey, I am trying to download build folder from Netlify console which results in “Error during download” message. In the network tab I can see that one file fails with 404. It’s the only one with diacritics in its filename so that is probably the issue why the file cannot be found. I would change the filename in CMS but I have to download current build so there is no way to fix this with new deploy with filename without diacritics.

failed file:álec.jpg

Is there any way to generate the zip file without this file? Or can I get the zip file in any other way?

Hi @michalhonc,

That’s strange. Downloading those files is supported (I’ve personally used it in the past).

Regardless, I’ve exported the zip of that deploy. How would you want me to share it with you?

That is odd. I cannot still download it. Sending it to my email as attachment or a link to some cloud storage would be awesome. I will reply with .har file from my Network tab in devtools if you want to take a closer look at the issue for future related issues

Hey @michalhonc,

I have shared the file via Google Drive to the email address listed on this forum. Let me know if that works, if by any chance it doesn’t work due to organizational permissions, I’ll have to use something else.