Hey, I am trying to download build folder from Netlify console which results in “Error during download” message. In the network tab I can see that one file fails with 404. It’s the only one with diacritics in its filename so that is probably the issue why the file cannot be found. I would change the filename in CMS but I have to download current build so there is no way to fix this with new deploy with filename without diacritics.
site: https://michalhonc-kapralek.netlify.app/
failed file: https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/deploys/5e78e540cc9b53000862a513/files/static/5901584412de6c4b66f0e995b395d0e4/21b47/válec.jpg
Is there any way to generate the zip file without this file? Or can I get the zip file in any other way?