Domain still shows old site on my computer

Hello guys so the issue i am facing is as follow:

I first added a site to netlify, here is the domain given to that site:

I added a domain “” that i had bought from godaddy to netlify by entering the netlify dns servers given to me.

After sometime i deployed a new site on netlify, here is the domain given to that site:

Once i added my domain name to the new site although the changes had been made and it was perfectly accessible to everyone, on my computer i could only access it if i used private navigation otherwise i would still see the old site.

After that i deleted the domain completely from netlify and switched the dns servers back to godaddy ones to use dns records but still on my computer i can still access the old site when i enter the domain in my regular google chrome session.

So I was wondering if it was a caching issue and if its the case how can i solve it?

Also i wanted to ask about the dns records when i was trying to link my site i first used CNAME record with name: and data: but it didnt seem to work, ideally i would like to use the netlify dns servers but it would be nice to understand how to use the dns records.

Sorry for the long post and thank you in advance :slight_smile:

I’m curious. Has it been 48 hours since domain was added? It takes up to 48 hours for full propagation.

Yes, this is an issue from a couple of weeks ago. I believe i deleted the netlify dns servers from godaddy last week around wednsday.

Hi @amine,

I’m showing the following for your DNS configuration:

host has address has address

For the above apex domain, you’ll want to remove the A Record that’s pointing to and only keep the A Record pointing to

host is an alias for has address has address

For the www subdomain, you want to change the CNAME Record so that it points to

You can follow option 1 of the following Support Guide for External DNS:

Let us know if you have any questions.

Hello, thanks for the quick answer.

I have made the changes to the dns records, but what about the domain still pointing to the first site? in my chrome session whenever i enter i can see the first site which has been the case for a couple of weeks i can only see what the domain actually points to in private navigation.

Hi, @amine. If private browsing fixes the issue, then it is something to do with your local browser’s cache.

To resolve this, try the following:

If that doesn’t resolve the issue or if there are any other questions, please let us know.