Domain "doesn't appear to be served by Netlify"

Site: velvety-platypus-3ef97f
Custom domain:

When setting up a custom domain, I first configured it in Netlify, and then used the Netlify instructions to setup the DNS rules at my domain registrar.

The site works (HTTPS, redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, redirect from apex domain to www), no problems there. But the domain management page has a warning “ doesn’t appear to be served by Netlify”. It’s been there for 5 days already, so it should not be caused by DNS caches. While it is benign at the moment, the implication from the message on the page seems to be that the SSL certificate will not be renewed when it expires in 3 months.

I tried removing and recreating the custom domain, but this didn’t help. Doesn’t seem like I can make it go away on my own. Is this something that has to be handled by the Netlify support team?

If you are using Netlify for domain management you will need to change the DNS servers to Netlify. Currently you are maintaining DNS at your registrar for the domain, so if you continue there is no need to have it in the domains management of Netlify.

I am not sure I understand the reply.

I am indeed using my registrar’s DNS server. But looks like I still need to go to the site “Domain Management” in Netlify and enter the domain under “Production domains” to be able to get a proper SSL certificate installed for the website.

Sorry, I was assuming you were trying to add the domain in the Domains section to manage the DNS for the site.

You have two A records for your domain, I’m wondering if that is what is creating that message?

There’s no explicit A record. I followed the Netlify docs and created an ALIAS record for the apex domain pointing to

Ok. Didn’t realize it showed the entries that way when doing a lookup. Learned something new today.

A reverse lookup on the domains resolves to the two addresses. Nice.

I should have checked that first.

I’ll let the Netlify group give you an answer on your issue. Sorry for the noise.

Looks like this is resolved.

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@hrishikesh , thanks! Indeed, the error is now gone. Thanks for fixing it for us :slight_smile:

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