"domain_aliases is owned by another account"

Hi, @JD1. About this:

The verification is identical for domains using external DNS and Netlify DNS. If the domain is used on one team, our service prevents it from being used on other teams.

We do have a possible workflow that might solve this domain sharing issue and there is more about that below. First, I wanted to say something regarding the domain verification process you described. We do something very similar already albeit using a manual process instead of an automated one (and I’d love to see it automated as well):

Note, with that process above we delete the domain from the other team. We don’t enable sharing with that workflow. The workflow we removes domains from the “wrong” team (“wrong” as determined by the person that can prove they control the domain).

There is an alternative as mentioned above. Our support team can create an override to allow a domain to be used on two teams at the same time. There is a bottleneck though, which is that this override must be put on both teams.

I say “bottleneck” because it sounds like the domain sharing in your case is not going to be between your team and one other team. Instead, it sounds like the domain sharing will be between your team and many teams. Is that correct? If we need to do this often then it will become a bottleneck (and there are other issues with this as well which I can explain in more detail if the workflow need is one to many).

If it will just be these two teams, then this is an easy fix. If it just sharing between two teams, please let us know and we’ll put the override in place.

If instead you need the domain sharing to be between one and many teams, then it would help us to better understand your workflow and the reasons the “one to many” domain sharing. If this is the case, we’ll open a support ticket to discuss those details privately.

Would please let us know which of the two sharing types is required (the “one to many” or the “one to one”)? Based on your reply we will either enable sharing between the two or we will open a support ticket for more in-depth discussion.